Mike Henderson - Operations Manager For Sales
551 Equity Ave.
Conway, AR 72032
Office: (501) 329-6309 Ext. 126
Mobile: (501) 328-7762
Email: mwhenderson@fortierinc.com
Shane Wells
551 Equity Ave.
Conway, AR 72032
Mobile: (501) 472-6359
Email: swells@fortierinc.com
Andy Cunningham
8255 Blair Lane
Germantown, TN 38139
Office: (901) 756-8188
Mobile: (501) 328-7318
Email: acunningham@fortierinc.com
Jeff Fortier
3206 Crape Myrtle Dr
Columbia, MO 65203
Office: (573) 234-2448
Mobile: (501) 328-7317
Email: jrfortier@fortierinc.com
Howard Speed
11106 Albury Park Lane
Tomball, TX 77375
Office: (281) 357-0360
Mobile: (281) 851-4576
Email: hlspeed@fortierinc.com
Don Sudduth
27800 Canal Road #216
Orange Beach, AL 36561
Office: (251) 981-5151
Mobile: (501) 328-7562
Email: dsudduth@fortierinc.com
Jeff Lee
1995 West McKenzie
Greenfield, IN 46140
Mobile: (501) 339-8669
Email: jefflee@fortierinc.com
Shawn Holmes
Shreveport, LA 71101
Mobile: (501) 269-8818
Email: sholmes@fortierinc.com
Aaron Carboneau
4320 Cedarcroft Court
Greensboro, NC 27409
Mobile: (501) 269-5135
Email: acarboneau@fortierinc.com
Janelle Grant
17 Sunrise Drive
Boonville, MO 65233
Mobile: (660) 888-8338
Email: jgrant@fortierinc.com
Vern Swanson
Lewisville, TX 75067
Mobile: (501) 472-4060
Email: vswanson@fortierinc.com
Joe Taylor
​Norfolk, VA 23324
Mobile: (501) 339-9991
Email: jtaylor@fortierinc.com
For more information, please contact us and we will put you in touch with the correct person or department.
Thank you for contacting Fortier, Inc.